
AP Exam Schedule 2025: Key Dates, FAQs and More

AP Exam Schedule 2025 - Key Dates, FAQs and More

Every year, millions of students take the standardized AP exam. In the school year of 2021-22, data suggests there were more than 2,5 candidates in the US alone. Although AP exams are not mandatory for high school students, this goes to show the value of AP classes and how important they are for helping you secure a brighter academic future. Not only through furthering your intellectual horizons, but also by directly helping you secure extra points for college, which just might end up being the thing that gets your foot through the door.

With this in mind, we’ve prepared a comprehensive AP exam schedule 2025 guide that will take you from A to Z and inform you about:

  • The most crucial AP exam dates
  • Best practices for studying for your AP exam
  • FAQs and more!

When does the 2025 AP exam season begin?

For 2025, the ball starts rolling on the 5th of May. Particularly, the first AP exams will take place in the following 2 weeks:

  • From the 5th of May to the 9th of May 2025
  • From the 12th of May to the 16th of May 2025

At the time of writing, this is less than 2 months ahead. However, note that these dates are technically not set in stone and the College Board could alter them at its sole discretion.

AP exam schedule 2025: exact exam dates for different subjects

Below, you will find an exact AP exam schedule (2025 edition).

When is the AP Biology exam 2025?

The 5th of May 2025.

When is the AP Latin exam 2025?

The 5th of May 2025.

When is the AP European History exam 2025?

The 5th of May 2025.

When is the AP Environmental Science exam 2025?

The 13th of May 2025.

When is the AP Psychology exam 2025?

The 16th of May 2025.

When is the AP Art History exam 2025?

The 15th of May 2025.

When is the AP Music Theory exam 2025?

The 12th of May 2025.

When is the AP United States Government and Politics exam 2025?

The 6th of May 2025.

When is the AP Seminar 2025?

The 12th of May 2025.

When is the AP Microeconomics exam 2025?

The 5th of May 2025.

When is the AP Macroeconomics exam 2025?

The 9th of May 2025.

When is the AP World History: Modern exam 2025?

The 8th of May 2025.

When is the AP United States History exam 2025?

The 9th of May 2025.

When is the AP Computer Science A exam 2025?

The 7th of May 2025.

When is the AP Computer Science Principles exam 2025?

The 15th of May 2025.

When is the AP English exam 2025?

The 7th and the 14th of May 2025.

When is the AP English Literature and Composition exam 2025?

The 7th of May 2025.

When is the AP English Language and Composition exam 2025?

The 14th of May 2025.

When is the AP Chemistry exam 2025?

The 6th of May 2025.

When is the AP Comparative Government and Politics exam 2025?

The 7th of May 2025.

When is the AP African American Studies exam 2025?

The 8th of May 2025.

When is the AP Human Geography exam 2025?

The 6th of May 2025.

When is the AP Mathematics exam 2025?

The 8th to 13th of May 2025.

When is the AP Statistics exam 2025?

The 8th of May 2025.

When is the AP Calculus AB exam 2025?

The 12th of May 2025.

When is the AP Calculus BC exam 2025?

The 12th of May 2025.

When is the AP Precalculus exam 2025?

The 13th of May 2025.

When is the AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based exam 2025?

The 13th of May 2025.

When is the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam 2025?

The 14th of May 2025.

When is the AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism exam 2025?

The 15th of May 2025.

When is the AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based exam 2025?

The 16th of May 2025.

When is the AP Japanese Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 8th of May 2025.

When is the AP Italian Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 9th of May 2025.

When is the AP Chinese Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 9th of May 2025.

When is the AP French Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 13th of May 2025.

When is the AP German Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 14th of May 2025.

When is the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam 2025?

The 15th of May 2025.

When is the AP Spanish Literature and Culture exam 2025?

The 16th of May 2025.

Essential tips to help you prepare for your AP exam

It’s easy to get caught into all the chaos, but with the right system and study plan, you’ll be setting yourself up for success despite everything that’s going on around you. At Novel Prep, we’ve set out on a mission to make it easier for you, starting with the following tips:

1. Determine exactly what you need to study

Generally speaking, you want to give yourself ample time to study in your AP classes – this will prepare you for the exams that are in front of you. But before diving headfirst into your studies, it’s a good idea to have a clear picture what you need to be studying in the first place. At Novel Prep, we recommend you do the following:

  • Examine your old tests
  • Study your chosen AP course’s description
  • Read your AP class’s syllabus

You’ll find more details about College Board’s AP Student list of AP courses here. Once you feel like you can find your way around, you’ll get to familiarize yourself with all the skills you’ll need to learn to pass your chosen AP exam.

The AP exam description should have plenty of information, and so should the syllabus. There may be some discrepancies between the two, but it should give you a good general idea of what you should be focusing on. Know that, depending on what kind of material was covered during class, you may need to focus on certain things more than others (for instance, don’t put so much time into material you’ve already received amazing grades in).

If you still feel like you’re stumbling around in the dark, not knowing how to approach this, have a look at our AP Prep program. We will show you everything from A to Z, including what’s covered, how best to utilize your study time and what’s required of you to get college credit, the kind of performance that effectively puts you at the top of the AP test grading scale.

2. Familiarize yourself with the AP exam structure

Different AP exams might have a different exam structure. This can be in the form of a:

  • Quiz
  • Essay
  • Multiple-choice questionnaire

The idea is to become comfortable providing answers in the required format rather than just focusing on what you need to study. It’s best to hone this skill by trying to tackle some of the practice exams.

3. Make a plan of attack

Once you know what lies ahead, make a rough schedule (and no, it doesn’t need to be perfect). But try to specify it at least on a week-per-week level, otherwise it’s too easy to stray from the path. Once again, more clarity should follow upon checking your syllabus. In the beginning, it’s a good idea to hone your knowledge and skills. As the exam day approaches, transition your time and energy into familiarizing yourself with the exam structure and format.

4. Content review resources are your best friends

Get a high quality review book – it’s bound to serve you well, whether it be AP Biology, AP History, AP Chemistry etc. Your textbook for the course is also likely to be a goldmine of knowledge that’s right at your fingertips. However, by no means should you limit yourself to the traditional sources of knowledge! You can also review:

  • Third-party websites
  • Podcasts
  • Youtube channels
  • etc.

If you’re the creative type, you can also make your own quiz cards (whether you print them out or use them in digital form doesn’t really matter).

5. Hone your skills with the help of practice exams

As mentioned before, honing your actual subject knowledge is only one part of the equation – getting good at actually answering the questions in the required format also plays a substantial role. If at all possible, try to simulate realistic test conditions and environment. As for the mock exams, the official College Board website should provide you with everything you need. In particular, the AP exam information page.

Note: all the AP exams from the previous years are publicly accessible through the official College Board website as well.

6. Keep chipping away at your goals by sticking to the schedule

No matter how much planning you do, at some point you’re going to need to progress to the execution phase. As for how much time you actually spend on learning and practicing is mostly up to you and where you stand in terms of your current level of skill. The key here is consistency – make a conscious effort to keep showing up every day, even though you may not feel like it at the time.

7. Leverage your unique learning style

Different students tend to have different learning styles, whether it be:

  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic
  • Social
  • etc.

Know that one is not necessarily better than the other, as it all boils down to your individual preferences and needs. The takeaway is, you should work alongside your preferred learning style, not against it. Otherwise, you’re just going to end up slowing yourself down unnecessarily.

8. Keep reviewing and re-reviewing materials as needed

Generally speaking, committing a piece of information to memory is going to take loads of practice and repetition. The more important it is for you to retain it, the more you should strive to keep reviewing and re-reviewing study materials as the need may dictate.

9. Measure your progress from time to time

While no one can argue with the power of learning, at some point, you’re going to need to put your knowledge and skills to the test. As stated above, practice AP exams are a good way to measure where you stand. Moreover, they will clarify what you strong and weak points are, allowing you to focus more on the latter.

10. Be your best self on the exam day

When the big moment finally arrives, it’s crucial to bring your best foot forward. What’s done is done – you probably won’t be able to make much more progress on the last day, so you’re going to be much better off focusing on getting enough sleep. This will give you the capacity you’re going to need to recall important facts when needed. Also, make sure to pack everything you’re going to need at least a day before, including your trusty calculator. Don’t forget to bring some snacks as well and plenty of pens, pencils and erasers.

11. Learn proper time management

Speaking of what to bring with you, don’t forget to bring a watch! While taking your AP exam, you’ll be under an immense level of time pressure. Therefore, keep in mind that there’s only a limited amount of time you can devote to answering any particular question. Be brave and don’t let a question you don’t know the answer to throw you off! Quickly cut your losses and move on – under no circumstances should you be beating yourself up about it. You won’t believe how many times an obstacle a student might stumble into is purely psychological in nature.


Now that you know the AP exam schedule for 2025, roll up your sleeves and get to work! The time is ticking and there’s not much left before the action begins. Best of luck!


When is the very first AP exam for 2025 being held?

On the 5th of May 2025.

What should I bring with me to the AP exams?

A snack, a calculator, pens, pencils, and erasers. A watch also helps to track time. You’ll also need to present an ID document for identification purposes.

Help! Two of my AP exams are scheduled on the same date. What should I do?

Speak with your coordinator ASAP – it’s still possible to make arrangements so you’ll be able to take both. You’ll take the exam at a later date and it will be an alternative version of the exam with roughly the same level of difficulty.

What if I can’t make it to my AP exam?

If the reason falls in the domain of force majeure (like an illness), you will simply take the exam at a later date. Of course, you’ll also need to provide official documentation that serves as proof as to why you weren’t able to make it.

How long does an AP exam typically last?

Between 2 and 3 hours.

Will the exams be analog, digital or hybrid?

Many of them will be entirely digital in 2025, while others will be administered in hybrid form.

Can you receive extra college by passing an AP exam?

Yes! To receive college credit, you’re going to need to receive a grade of at least 3 or more.

Are AP exams mandatory?

No. They are completely optional and suitable for those who want to challenge themselves academically and also receive additional college credit – for example, by taking AP Capstone.

Where can I register for the AP exam?

Follow this link.

How are AP exams scored?

You’ll receive a grade from 1 to 5. In terms of receiving college credit, 3 or more counts as a passing grade.

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