
75 AP Research Topic Ideas and Best Practices 

75 ideas for AP Research Topics - blog cover

AP research was designed to test your capacity to think critically. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of it is how it seamlessly blends multiple academic disciplines together, drawing inspiration from real-world issues. Better yet, you’ll be getting a chance to explore several different AP research topics and freely pick the one that resonates with you the most.

Before you start writing your AP research paper, a course that’s part of the AP Capstone program, the very first thing you’ll need to do is to come up with a topic idea. Although AP research topics allow for plenty of freedom in the sense that you get to pick something you like, there are certain limitations you need to take into consideration.

So, the question is, how do you walk the line between what’s creative and what the academic world wants to see? Well, the best way to know is by studying our AP research topic ideas and going with your gut instinct! To give you a head start, we’ll also delve into what makes a good AP research topic.

Tips for choosing a good AP research topic

Before picking a topic for your AP research paper, there are certain rules to abide by. In essence, a good AP research topic needs to:

  • Be clear
  • Be relevant
  • Be well-defined
  • Address a real-world issue

These are Novel Prep’s guiding principles and a good benchmark to follow. In addition, we advise our students to take the following to heart when choosing an AP research topic:

1. Pick something that resonates with your interests

You’ve probably heard the cheesy old line “follow your heart” a number of times before. But the fact of the matter is, there’s great truth to this. After all, you’re going to have to stick with your chosen topic until the very end, so picking something you’re actually interested in will give you the motivation you need to follow through, whether it be a hobby, a field of study, or simply something that draws you in for whatever reason.

2. Choose a topic with ample research sources

When picking an AP research topic, go with something with a multitude of credible sources for you to cite. That way, your arguments will be backed by science and facts.

3. Familiarize yourself with the course requirements

This is one of the key principles – only by knowing what lies ahead will you be able to plan accordingly. Moreover, it will help steer you in the right direction, which is in line with the course requirements.

4. Discuss it with a mentor

Discussing a topic idea with your mentor or a teacher will quickly give you a nudge in the right direction, allowing you to validate the concept through a qualified professional’s eyes and learn some valuable tips along the way.

5. Work with the time you have available

When strategizing and planning ahead, time will be your biggest constraint. Therefore, note the deadlines that lie ahead, and don’t delay! Ideally, you should start looking into AP research topics as soon as possible, allowing you to complete your assignment on time.

6. Try to find a unique angle

The underlying principle of science is that we by no means know everything. Therefore, see if there’s a gap in what scientific research has focused on up until now and try to be the one to fill it. If you’re not overly confident in your abilities as a researcher and critical thinker, there’s no reason to venture too deep – try to find a balance between a topic with plenty of resources and something where you could contribute something fresh.

7. Let the current trends inspire you

What is the latest research pointing to? Where are the industrial trends moving? What is the current state of society and what kind of issues are discussed on a regular basis? These can all be wonderful AP research topics to explore.

8. See if your work can give birth to practical solutions

Sure, a lot of the academic world consists of theory. But wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could somehow find a practical angle or perhaps a new solution that’s backed by what we know to be accurate and true? After all, there is plenty of theory out there, but none of its potential is realized until put into practice.

9. Tap into your personal experience

The things you’ve witnessed or gone through can be a treasure trove of inspiration. If any of it aligns with the guidelines we’ve shared above, perhaps you’ve just landed on a topic idea that deserves further exploration. Besides, writing from a personal angle is always a plus.

What are the best practices for writing a good AP research paper?

Picking an AP research topic is only the start. If you want your mission to be successful, you will do well to follow what we at Novel Prep consider to be the best AP prep practices when writing your AP research paper:

1. Aim for your research to stand the test of time

If you’re planning to write about something that has a high likelihood of becoming redundant or irrelevant in a short while from now, it’s probably best to reconsider. Instead, it’s best to aim for something evergreen and timeless. Perhaps a historical figure or an ancient civilization? There are always lessons that can be learned from history.

2. Ask yourself what others are likely to find interesting

This will help your research paper spark interest. Moreover, asking questions will guide the direction of your writing. From the perspective of your reader, it’s like taking them on a journey of discovery. And there’s nothing better than providing the answers in a climactic conclusion where there’s something to learn from for everyone.

3. Keep your research well structured

You can get everything else right, but if you fail to make your research well-structured, your grade will suffer as a result. Like other written formats, your AP research paper should have:

  • An introduction
  • The main body
  • The conclusion

The introduction is where you lay the foundation for what’s to come by examining the topic at hand. In the body, it’s your task to dismantle the problem, make arguments, and present the relevant facts. It’s vital for you to provide the answers in the main body of your paper. The conclusion is where you sum it all up and perhaps invite the reader to take a certain course of action.

4. Cite sources where needed

This is pretty much non-negotiable in any kind of academic research paper, so it cannot be emphasized enough. By citing sources and facts where needed you give your thesis some much-needed weight. This will also make it study-worthy for the generations of academics to come. Fail to do this, and no one will take your paper seriously; it’s that important. If you don’t know where to find sources, JSTOR, the famous academic database, is a good start.

5. Keep your research focused

It’s imperative for you to keep your research focused and not stray too far away from the core problem. Ideally, you should have picked a more narrow and niched-down subject from the get-go – generic titles don’t do as well as one might think. If you’re worried about this part of your research, don’t be! Soon, we’ll provide an extensive list of AP research topics you can either run with or modify to suit your needs.

Is there a difference between a research topic and a research question?

Before you go on to pick your AP research topic, there is one final thing for you to know – the difference between a research topic and a research question. Think of it like this:

  • A research topic is the central theme of your paper
  • A research question guides research towards an answer

The nature of research questions tends to be narrow and specific. It should provide the answer to ‘why’, ‘when’, and ‘how’. For instance, a good research question might be: ‘What demographics were affected by coronavirus-induced social isolation the most?’

AP Research Topics

Below, we’ve prepared example AP research topics you can study to come up with your own, modify them, or outright copy them if you so choose. Ready to delve deep? Here we go:

Environmental and Climate Change

  • The impact of urbanization on local biodiversity: a case study of a specific city
  • How the development of vertical farming could address global food shortages
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of carbon credits in reducing emissions across industries
  • Renewable energy adoption in developing countries: barriers and opportunities
  • The role of Indigenous knowledge in climate change adaptation strategies
  • An analysis of plastic alternatives: Are they truly more sustainable?
  • How coral reef loss impacts marine biodiversity and local economies
  • Evaluating the potential of rewilding as a conservation strategy
  • A comparative study of waste management systems in urban vs. rural areas
  • The role of artificial intelligence in monitoring and predicting climate events

Political and Geopolitical Issues

  • Evaluating the effectiveness of the United Nations peacekeeping missions in the 21st century
  • The rise of cyber warfare and its implications for national security
  • A comparative study of soft power strategies: China vs. the US
  • Examining the effectiveness of sanctions in international diplomacy: A case study of Russia
  • How political instability affects global energy prices
  • The role of foreign aid in fostering or hindering economic independence in developing nations
  • How water scarcity is fueling conflicts in the Middle East
  • The influence of media coverage on public opinion during international crises
  • A comparative analysis of populist movements in Europe and Latin America
  • The effects of global military spending on social welfare programs

Technology and Future Trends

  • The ethical implications of AI in law enforcement
  • How the development of brain-computer interfaces could redefine disability and accessibility
  • Blockchain technology and its potential to reshape global supply chains
  • How quantum computing could revolutionize cryptography
  • The future of the gig economy in a world dominated by automation
  • The Ethical Considerations of Virtual Reality in Mental Health Treatment
  • How drone technology is transforming disaster relief efforts
  • The implications of 5G technology on data privacy and security
  • Assessing the potential of wearable technology in personal healthcare
  • The role of big data in predicting and preventing pandemics

Social and Ethical Issues

  • An analysis of how social media influences voter behavior
  • The implications of facial recognition technology for privacy rights
  • How “cancel culture” has impacted the arts and entertainment industries
  • The challenges of implementing universal healthcare in different countries
  • A comparison of policies on paid parental leave in developed countries
  • The social and psychological impact of remote work on families
  • An analysis of the effectiveness of anti-bullying programs in schools
  • The influence of advertising on children’s body image perceptions
  • Examining the ethics of influencer marketing on social media
  • The challenges of promoting diversity in STEM fields

Health, Biology, and Psychology

  • The effects of intermittent fasting on long-term health
  • Analyzing the psychological impact of climate change anxiety on youth
  • The role of genetic screening in preventing hereditary diseases
  • How chronic stress affects cognitive development in children
  • The relationship between physical activity and mental health among teenagers
  • The potential of microbiome research in treating autoimmune diseases
  • Exploring the link between air pollution and mental health disorders
  • How access to green spaces impacts mental health in urban settings
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based therapies for treating PTSD
  • A study on the long-term impacts of early childhood nutrition on cognitive development

Historical and Cultural Studies

  • The influence of the Silk Road on the spread of religion and culture
  • How the abolition of slavery shaped modern economies in the Americas
  • The cultural impacts of British colonialism on contemporary Indian society
  • A study on the cultural exchange between the Islamic Golden Age and Renaissance Europe
  • How the spread of print technology contributed to the Protestant Reformation
  • The impact of ancient trade routes on modern cultural identities
  • How the Harlem Renaissance influenced civil rights movements in the US
  • The role of propaganda during the Cold War and its effects on public perception
  • How the Industrial Revolution changed family structures in Europe
  • The evolution of folk music as a tool for social and political change

Additional Unique Ideas

  • The impact of “fast fashion” on developing economies and local artisans
  • The effects of automation on the mental health of workers displaced by technology
  • How fictional narratives shape public perception of historical events
  • The role of language in preserving cultural identity among diaspora communities
  • The ethical and practical challenges of space colonization
  • How esports is reshaping global sports culture and the economy
  • The psychological effects of living in isolated or rural areas
  • How language learning affects cognitive development in children
  • The ethics of using animals in cosmetic testing: An analysis of current alternatives
  • How the global spread of English is impacting minority languages
  • The influence of digital currencies on traditional banking systems
  • The role of community gardens in fostering social cohesion
  • Exploring the role of storytelling in preserving Indigenous cultures
  • A study of the effectiveness of international laws on climate refugees
  • How anti-vaccination movements have shaped public health policy

Need help writing your AP research paper?

By analyzing and drawing inspiration from the AP research topic ideas presented above, hopefully, you’ve found enough information to get creative and are now ready to proceed with a title. If you need further help from us, we’d like to let you know that you can take advantage of Novel Prep’s AP Capstone program which was designed to hold your hand all the way through the process.

We will tell you exactly how your AP research paper needs to be structured, where to look for sources, how to incorporate them properly, etc. By choosing to work with us, you’ll get to spend more time doing the actual research work rather than having to stumble on technicalities.

Since AP Capstone supplements the AP exam in the sense that they both help you earn college credit, keep in mind that we offer AP Prep services as well. Given that you need to score at least a 3 on four other AP exams, we suggest that you give it the attention it deserves (we also invite you to read how the AP grading scale works for better understanding).

And, if at any time you’d like to ask us a question we haven’t answered yet, feel free to shoot us a message!


Why was AP research introduced to high school students?

To assess their critical thinking abilities and put their research skills to the test.

How long should an AP research paper be?

Aim for 4000-5000 words. However, rather than focusing on the word count alone, a better use of your time would be to focus on proper formatting, structure, sources, and the content itself.

What’s the recommended way to choose a suitable AP research topic?

See if you can find some inspiration by studying our AP research topic list above. Pro top: you can choose one you like, modify it slightly, and you should be good to go. You can also brainstorm ideas with your classmates.

What general AP research topics are among the most popular?

Economics, Finance, Art and Culture, Environmental Science, Technological Advancements. Bear in mind these are surface-level topics only – in your research, you should dive deep and niche down quite a bit more.

How should I structure my AP research paper title?

You have several different options, as this can be: an interpretation title, a cause and effect title, a comparison title, a report paper title, a problem-solution title, a persuasive title, a definition research title, a survey research paper, etc.

What are some of the resources I can use?

Books, magazines, newspapers, journals, and the World Wide Web.

How is the AP research paper graded?

The content itself amounts to 75% of the grade. The rest comes down to citations, structure, and font.

Does AP research count for college?

Yes. If you get a good grade and attach it to your college application, you can boost your chances of getting in, especially if it’s one of the colleges with high acceptance rates.

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